Yesterday my InBox contained the delightful announcement from Pauline Barclay that The Loyalist’s Wife, second edition, has been honoured with a Chill’s Readers’ Award. She included in her email the following comments from the readers who voted to honour The Loyalist’s Wife with this award.
Here are comments from the readers…
I thoroughly enjoyed it, probably the first in a while that I found hard to put down.
A lovely read.
Very good.
Remarkable story of courage and resilience.
An insight into the cruelty of the American War of Independence.
A beautiful read.
Thanks so much to those readers who have collectively honoured me and The Loyalist’s Wife. I feel extremely privileged to be part of this illustrious group of writers! And please check out Pauline’s website to learn about other award winners and even to become one of her readers for this award.
The Loyalist’s Wife, The Loyalist’s Luck, The Loyalist Legacy
by Elaine Cougler
Available at Amazon.com and many other places.