Explore Elaine’s collection of news, reviews, upcoming events, and more!
Brock and Mackenzie: Two Canadian Heroes
William Lyon Mackenzie Father of Responsible Government in Canada A few weeks ago I was in Queenston, a small town […]
Canada’s Sesquicentennial – 150 Years of Loyalists
This has been a particularly busy week for me and probably for all of my readers. We are living in […]
Patience, Persistence and Perseverance. The Best Writers’ Tools.
After Christmas this year I felt the need to do something other than sit at my computer all day so […]
How Do You Keep Your Inspiration?
Today I have the distinct pleasure of entertaining here on my historical fiction blog an author from a different genre. […]
War On Our Doorstep!
Have you ever heard a cannon boom into the stillness? Or seen soldiers drop on a battlefield as it was […]
Guest Author Barbara Kyle Makes An Entrance
One of the people from whom I’ve learned a lot on my own writing journey is the very successful historical […]
Shakespeare: One Fabled and Fabulous Writer
One of the things I loved about teaching both French and English was the opportunities I had to delve into […]

Six Ways This Writer Organizes
So you think that all a writer has to do is write that magical tome and then sit back and […]
Readers and Writers: Try It All But Stick to Your Faves
I hate coffee. In my first year of university I sat in the cafeteria with a bunch of friends who […]
Guest Author Kristina Stanley and Her App for Writers
Today is special because fellow Canadian author, Kristina Stanley, is here to talk about her fabulous app for writers. I […]
Do you need an engaging keynote speaker? Looking for a speaker to show how our world has been shaped by the past. Perhaps someone who appeals to a broad audience of varied interests and backgrounds?
Contact Elaine Cougler
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