Explore Elaine’s collection of news, reviews, upcoming events, and more!

I Wish You a Little Christmas (and Book Deals!)
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry When I was teaching high school French many years ago, I found […]

Iron Annie and a Long Journey: A Family Odyssey
One of the things about studying history and especially our rather close history is that survivors and children of survivors […]

Poppies, People and Potato Peels
Fulfilling my dreams of becoming an author has made me notice Remembrance Day so much more keenly than ever before. […]

The Loyalists in Ontario
In the latter part of August, my husband and I took a trip to Gananoque, Ontario to see a performance […]

Rules For Teachers and the Changing Nature of Society
In August my husband and I happened to be in Grand Bend, Ontario, so named because of the large bend […]

Little Free Libraries Near Me!
Have you ever noticed the cute little houses atop poles and near the sidewalk on a few properties in your […]

Sharon Clare’s In For a Spell Newly Launched!
NOTE: I had intended to post this review on the launch day for In For a Spell but my WordPress […]

Legacy: The Nelles Story Book Review
I found Dorothy Turcotte’s book, Legacy: The Nelles Story: Pioneers, Loyalists, Founding Families, very intriguing not only because I’ve written […]

Marketing Your Brand New Book–5 Great Ideas to Try
Having a successful book does not just mean writing it. We all know how important that is but visions of […]

The Fun Part!
For every author there are the months and months–in my case, with this book, twenty-two–when the end seems far over […]
Do you need an engaging keynote speaker? Looking for a speaker to show how our world has been shaped by the past. Perhaps someone who appeals to a broad audience of varied interests and backgrounds?
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