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My Story, My Song

By Elaine Cougler

My Story, My Song tells the fascinating tale–sometimes sweet and sometimes not–of the eldest daughter in a family of thirteen children, nine boys and four girls, growing up in the fifties and sixties in rural Ontario. The one-room schoolhouse and the church on the hill with the huge steeple both affected the lives of all who lived in that Embro community. The memoir shows a close and caring society in the midst of a burgeoning post war economy, and the changing world that provided them all so much opportunity. Those changes wrought challenges for everyone.

Elaine was recently interviewed about this book on The Authors Show.

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Book Series

The Loyalist Trilogy

The Loyalist Trilogy delves into American and Canadian history with two generations of the Garner family during the times of the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Rebellion of 1837. John goes off to fight for the King and leaves Lucy behind to try to hold on to their land in the midst of war-torn New York State. Later their sons have to choose sides to survive in the wilderness that was Upper Canada.

Available on Amazon (Print, ebook, audiobook) & Kobo!

The Man Behind the Marathons

The story of how one man truly can make a difference, The Man Behind the Marathons is an Amazon #1 bestseller and also won the Book Excellence Finalist award.

The Loyalist's Daughter (Prequel to The Loyalist Trilogy)

Young Lucinda Harper and her father are taking a late-night walk on Boston’s Long Wharf when disguised men run past their hiding place, jump into small boats, and rush out to the Dartmouth anchored in the harbour.
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