The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
When I was teaching high school French many years ago, I found a wonderful Christmas story in what we called our French Authors book for grade 11 students. That book contained many stories in French to give students the experience of reading great works by famous authors in the language they were studying.
The Gift of the Magi was that wonderful story and I had never heard it before. I was as mesmerized as my students as we worked our way through O. Henry’s tale, said to have been written when he was up against a newspaper deadline. Apparently the story took about 2 1/2 hours to create.
For those who would like to read it (in English), please click here to read it on East of the Web.
Here is my office poinsettia brightening up my writing space as I work these days. This is one Christmas tradition I love, especially the red poinsettias.
My Gift to You!
This year, when you buy all three of the books in my Loyalist Trilogy between now and December 24, 2019, you get them for a special price.
All 3 for not $60 but $44.00(Canadian)! I can even do them in a pretty red bow if you like!
To get this amazing price, you must pick them up from my house and pay cash.
If you live a distance away, I will honour this price if you pay the shipping. Send me a request via my email at elainecougler (at) rogers (dot) com.
I wish you all happy holidays and a new year filled with every good thing you desire.
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