How To Fight the Writer Heebie-Jeebies

This morning I woke up and started thinking about all the exciting things in my life at the moment. Almost immediately I felt my pulse quicken and my eyes pop open wider. Today I’m expecting big things. But with those big expectations comes raw fear.
You see, my editor should be getting back to me about her take on my latest book. OMG what if she hates it? What if she tells me to toss it in the waste basket? What if The Man Behind the Marathon, which has taken a year and a half of my time so far, never sees the murky light of a late March, 2019 day?
And I have asked 3 people for back cover quotes and a week later have only received one reply so far? (It’s a yes, by the way!) Will the others agree or will they just never reply?
And I thought a lot about a family member who seems to be avoiding me and I have no idea why. Usually we get along so well. This one is really puzzling and hurtful and my thoughts keep returning to her. What if we never get back to where our relationship used to be?
So. I had the heebie-jeebies first thing when I woke up this morning. Does this ever happen to you?
I made my breakfast and sat down to my computer. What to do? I clicked on this website’s homepage and started the video of an interview I did a couple of years ago for a local TV station.

I felt a little better. This person is happy!
The Outlook file where I keep replies to my newsletter called to me and I answered. Loads of wonderful readers gave me lovely kudos about my mailings.
I felt even better.
I went looking for another video and during the search found a file with all kinds of family videos of my two wee grandchildren. What a delight to look at them a few years ago and to see how they’ve matured.
I felt wonderful. And still do. This is a trick that I’ve used throughout my life. Instead of letting the negatives get me down, I try to find the bright and cheery things in my life.
A few years ago my daughter and I started a daily Gratitude Journal. Believe me, not all my days are shiny and perfect. No one’s are. But I stretch my mind and my heart to find good things every day, even when tragic things happen or I’ve had to take an ambulance ride. (Yes, that happened once!) I’ve looked long and hard for good things to write on days like that.
Whether you’re a writer or not, try this simple strategy to manage your own mood. It works! And just to lighten your mood, here’s my poinsettia plant from a couple of years ago brightening up my December office that winter.
Have a happy, grateful day!
Click on the Loyalist Trilogy books below for great historical stories with satisfying endings: