Chocolate and Raspberries and HF Authors. Yummy!

Today I welcome two wonderful writers to my blog–Mary K. Tod and Helen Hollick–both of whom write delicious historical fiction among other things. Mary has a new book just launched so that is the prime subject today but I’m going to point you to a post she did on Helen’s chock-full blog. It’s kind of like putting chocolate sauce on fresh raspberries. Check out both of these authors. You won’t be disappointed.
Now for some of my personal links to them: Last year at the Historical Novel Society Conference in Denver, Colorado, I stepped onto the elevator and a very pleasant voice said, “Are you Elaine Cougler?” Someone recognized me! So much fun. And that someone was Mary K. Tod. What a delightful happenstance!
At the same conference I met the esteemed author Helen Hollick who wrote earlier in the year from the HNS to tell me my first two historicals had been favorably reviewed online under the HNS banner. Hats and all Helen made quite a splash at the conference and her blog is fantastic.
Now for the links to all this goodness.
Helen Hollick’s blogpost where Mary K. Tod is the featured author
Mary on Facebook
Mary on Twitter
Mary’s fabulous blog (did I mention she does a fabulous yearly survey of readers and historical fiction, etc.?)

And one more time, go read Mary’s words on Helen’s blog :-).