25 Things To Do Instead of Write Your Weekly Blog Post

Does this ever happen to you? Your blog post is calling you, CALLING YOU, CALLING YOU and all you want to do is anything but write that post. Here’s a list of suggestions that work well for me at those times:
Clip your toenails…..and then clip them again
Tidy your desk
Upload your audio interview to your computer and send it to be transformed into Word
Get the mail
Pay bills
Go for a walk
Answer all twenty emails in your InBox
Get a glass of water
Throw out the garbage if your husband/wife forgot
Prepare supper early in the day. That’s really good planning!
Have a nap
Do some more research for your work-in-progress even though that phase is done
Call your sister and talk even though you get a busy signal
Organize the sticky notes on your To/In Progress/Done white board. Put them all in the Done column
Check your Facebook Author page. Maybe someone has “liked” it
Get a glass of Diet Coke even though you know it’s terrible for you
Sign up for Tumblr or some other social media site you’re not on yet
Check your InBox again. Maybe there’s something new and exciting there
Have another nap
Try to change the date of one of your speaking engagements
Enter a contest
Writing contest, that is
Check the oven
Get out your tweezers. Nuff said
Turn off your computer and realize that you need a break.
And now back to Historical Fiction and my Loyalists. You see? Lots of days I get loads done!