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Do Authors Need a Speaker Sheet?

For this author, the answer is a resounding YES!

I’m hoping, however, that all of you authors out there, shy or not, can find a way to get in front of audiences who will perhaps buy your books. The personal touch is so helpful for reaching readers.

To that end I have updated my own Speaker Sheet and it is in the process of being updated on this website. (The Media Sheet will be next, just so you know.) For now, here is the new Speaker Sheet.Topics, contact info, places to speak, testimonial, and images of Elaine Cougler and 8 book covers.

Take a good look at what is included. I’ve started with introducing myself and my books. Then you see a lovely testimonial. When I only had 1 book I had room for more testimonials! I wanted to suggest where I could speak and what I might speak about. A couple of pictures as I really am, the first my head shot and the second me while recording one of my audio books, mean people recognize me when I arrive to speak. Finally, the contact info, all colourfully introduced with a graphic.

Notice that I’ve used my first and last name instead of a pen name. I’ve chosen to be me on my writing journey and I see no reason to put a different name on books of different genres as some authors do. That’s an author’s choice.

For my first book, The Loyalist’s Wife, my cover designer suggested I might like to have a Speaker Sheet and a Media Sheet. I had no idea what they were but when she explained I was on board. What do I use them for?

Uses for Speaker and/or Media sheets for your books.

  1. Attach a copy when you approach groups about speaking for them.
  2. Attach a copy when you reach out to media reps to help tweak their interest in doing a story about and/or with you.
  3. Run a few copies for your table when you’re out anywhere selling books. People love to have something to peruse.
  4. If people call or email you about their book club or other personal selling opportunity, make sure you send them your speaker sheet, your media sheet and your introduction for them to use.
  5. Along with these sheets offer to tailor make presentation speeches according to their group’s needs and wishes.
  6. Don’t be afraid to add something that will make your sheet and you stand out. I used the story of my mother’s book and the photo of me recording. These make a person seem real.

How to Make Up Your Speaker and/or Media sheets.

For both my Speaker and Media sheets, my husband and I work together. I mostly tell him what I want on the sheet. He has the software to create it and together we discuss every aspect of the product, making changes until we like the result. If you hate the computer, find someone to do this for you. Go to a printer with your thoughts and ask them to set it up for you. Make sure you like the end product and, if you don’t, ask for revisions.

One final note. The term One Sheet seems to be used to do this as well so you might research that.

Once you have your sheet ready, I’m sure you’ll find lots of uses for it. You can use actual copies to pass out in person or make your final file into a pdf and attach it to appropriate emails. If you send out a pdf it’s harder to copy with someone else’s info. Protect yourself.

May I speak for your group?


images of books made into audio books



Icon label

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