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How The Loyalist Legacy Launch Affects You!

uncle-sam-wants-youNovember is launch month for The Loyalist Legacy, the third in my Loyalist Trilogy and what a month it has turned out to be. Our thoughts are on our American neighbors to the south and the most vitriolic and divisive election any of us can ever remember. No matter whose side you’re on, this was a dirty fight and it was hard to see dignity and even honesty go out the window.

And it’s the time of year when we specifically remember those who served that we who have come after might live our lives in freedom. remembrance-poppy-247x300

Of course almost my every waking thought is on my book launch with personal appearances, book signings and speaking engagements, and my three-week book tour all over the Internet. Yesterday I did a newspaper interview here in my hometown after two major events on the weekend. So much fun! Meeting people who love historical fiction in general and my Loyalist trilogy in particular is pretty darn rewarding.

As I drove home after one of these events I thought about the connection between my latest book (the Loyalist Legacy), November 11th and Remembrance Day, and this pivotal American election.

Five Items to Make Us Feel Better This November

  1. Though our history is relatively short it is full of catastrophic events which could have ended Canada. Wars, rebellions and civil disobedience are part of our past and yet here we are. My Loyalist trilogy is a testament to the efforts of individuals fighting for a good life here.

  2. Canada suffered through the 1837 Rebellion in Upper and Lower Canada (Ontario and Quebec) yet managed to survive and become one of the best countries in which to live today. William and Catherine Garner, the real couple whose names I borrowed in The Loyalist Legacy, were there for that rebellion and survived.

  3. Reading fiction and particularly historical fiction lets us imagine things that may have happened in the past from which our ancestors recovered. We see the strength in ordinary people when faced with disheartening and even terrifying events going on all around. We can recover.

  4. One of the things my daughter started me writing with her is a gratitude journal. Every day we try to write 3 things for which we are grateful and it helps me to focus on the good in my life as well as have a wonderful view into just who my daughter is. We pick each other up with that journal and we remember how lucky we are.

  5. In The Loyalist Legacy the difficulties of being settlers in an unsettled land, of fighting to save children from disease with no healthcare, and of seeing one’s neighbors divided over just how to solve political and social problems every day–those difficulties seem so much larger than ours just at this moment. There is a bigger picture. Perhaps we can all focus on it while we strive to build a better world.

Come see the wonderful sites who have allowed me to guest for my book tour:



Book Tour Dates and Agenda:

  1. November 7   Hook of a Book Review of The Loyalist Legacy

  2. November 8   Let us Talk of Many Things…  Guest Post

  3. November 9   Meyette’s Musings  Interview

  4. November 10 The Book Trail Review of The Loyalist Legacy

  5. November 11 Writer’s Treasure Chest  Guest Post

  6. November 14 Kristina Stanley Guest Post

  7. November 15 P.C. Zick Guest Post

  8. November 16 Cryssa Bazos Interview

  9. November 17 A Writer of History Guest Post

  10. November 18 Charlene Jones Soul Sciences site Podcast Interview

  11. November 21 Random Bits of Fascination Guest Post

  12. November 22 Hook of a Book Interview (taped)

  13. November 23 Annika Perry’s Writing Blog Book Release Post with excerpt

  14. November 24 Sally Moore’s Blog Interview

  15. November 25 Black Friday sale of The Loyalist Legacy on Amazon
















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