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The Fun Part!

For every author there are the months and months–in my case, with this book, twenty-two–when the end seems far over the distant hills, almost an insurmountable distance to travel. As in most tasks, though, my lifelong habit of just doing a little every day has brought The Man Behind the Marathons to completion.

I received the first few books last Friday.

Over the next two weeks the rest of my order will be arriving and I’ll have lots to fill all the requests accumulated so far. Thanks so much to all those who have encouraged me to carry on with this story of Ron Calhoun. Those excited emails and comments have made all the difference.

I hope those of you who are close enough will come out to the first major launch on June 24th. My husband and I chose that date to honour Ron Calhoun whose 86th birthday that will be. Here is the open invitation:

Please join us and help us celebrate!

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